one year

March 12, 2008

Sweet Angel,

Your first birthday! Wow, how time has flown. I can't believe you're now a walking toddler who eats real food and even tried your first cupcake. We had a party for you and drank margaritas and ate mexican food in your honor. Lots of friends came and brought you presents - you especially liked the singing birthday balloon from your friend Charlotte. Here you are enjoying the attention on your big day...

We are happy to be a family of three!

When it was time for cake we changed into your ballerina tutu so that you could dig in. I made you the sad looking cupcake tower rather than buying something at the store because I wanted it to be really special. It didn't turn out quite the way I wanted it to, but it was made with love and that's all that really matters. At least that's what bad bakers are supposed to say!

When it came time to eat the cupcakes I wasn't sure what you'd think, and you weren't so sure at first either, but then you decide that sugar was good...really, really good.

As the festivities were winding down, you and Daddy decided to take a walk together. This is one of my favorite pictures and moments really of the whole first year.

Daddy and I are so blessed to have you in our lives, we call you our sweet angel and we love how you've made us a little family. We can't wait to see what the next year will bring...we can't wait to run and jump and climb with you. We can't wait to see you grow and learn over the next year. We are so in love.

I feel like I blinked and a year went by. I can't believe my baby is one. The tiny baby I held in my arms as you took your first breaths in this world. The baby I rocked to sleep so many nights and held my breath as I laid you down in your crib, just praying you'd stay asleep. The baby I hoped for, prayed for, and dreamed of is no longer a little baby.

I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, As long as I'm living my baby you'll be.

~ Mommy