eighteen months

September 12, 2008

Dear Munchkin Moo,

Well, it's been six months since your first birthday and you've continued to amaze us with your many talents.

Another holiday came right after your first birthday, and although it wasn't your first Easter, it was the first Easter that you really got to celebrate. We went to our neighborhood egg hunt and you had a great time collecting eggs and eating the treats inside them.

Just a few days later you got to do another easter egg hunt at home. You had a great time walking around looking for eggs, but you were in no hurry to find another one until you had finished eating what you had already found.

I got to spend the summer with you while I was out of school and we had SO much fun! I loved spending all day, every day with you. We swam, we fed the ducks at the pond, we ran and played all day long. We played with Joseph and Andrew across the street and their nanny, Jodie. We played in the cul-de-sac with James, Matthew, Riley, Quentin, and Siena and you learned to ride a car, bus, and your new bike (although you don't quite understand what the pedals are for yet).

One of you favorite things to do this summer was play with your water table. The first picture was your first experience with it, but you soon became an old pro, and Daddy and I took embarrassing topless pictures of you because we were too lazy to change you into your bathing suit half the time!

You learned to cook and bake a lot this summer, and we made brownies for Daddy for Father's Day. He loved them!

You enjoyed the foods of summer, from chocolate pudding to picking blueberries with Daddy every night before bed, to eating watermelon on the patio. We had so much fun watching you try new foods.

You learned to play dress-up and would try on all kinds of clothes, and I capitalized on that by dressing you up like a cow to get free food at Chic-fil-a. You liked the fruit the best, but don't worry, I ate the rest of your lunch for you. Daddy went to the Masters and brought us back matching shirts so we could play dress-up together.

Well, I saved the best for last. Your summer would not have been complete without the two activities that filled the majority of your days...swimming and going to the playground. You loved both of those things, and we loved watching you have fun doing them. Daddy would ask if you wanted to go swimming and the answer was always the same, "yes!"