eleven months

February 12, 2008

Gianna Marie,

As I sit here typing and you're tucked in your crib upstairs, sleeping soundly, I can't help but realize that one month from today you'll be turning ONE! You will soon officially leave babyhood and begin your career as a toddler. It's amazing how fast the time has flown, it seems like just yesterday you were a helpless tiny little infant, and now you eat mac and cheese with us at dinner. I'm so torn about all of this - I want to remember every moment of your infancy and I'm sad that we're leaving that phase behind, but at the same time, I'm so excited about all the great times to come as you grow bigger and bigger.

Just before you turned eleven months you decided to have your first really high fever. You've had fevers before with ear infections and such, but they were never really high. This time it was just downright scary. You were over 102 several times, but when you hit 103, Daddy and I were terrified. We'd never seen you act so tired and sad all the time and we didn't like it one bit. Of course, as Murphy's Law would have it, I took you to the doctor the day you had a temperature of 103 and by the time we got there it was down to 99 - and never went back up! You also broke out in a rash as soon as the fever disappeared, so we knew Roseola was the culprit...glad we got that one over with!

Another big event this month, especially in Atlanta, was your first snowfall. You and Daddy had fun checking it out!

The weekend before you got sick Daddy went to the Super Bowl. The Giants played the Patriots and won in amazing fashion in the last minutes of the game. Very exciting! Daddy had a good time shopping and getting autographs of football players for you - I think he enjoyed the game, too!

Also the weekend before you got sick you began taking 6-7 steps at a time all by yourself. You've refused to do it since, being sick and wobbly and falling several times can do that to you. I'm sure you'll be working on that skill again soon, just today you took a couple of steps by yourself and began walking with your push toys again. I can't believe my little baby girl is about to be a "toddler." In honor of this new skill, we took our first trip to StrideRite and got you a real pair of shoes...yes, Daddy dressed you that day!

You're so much fun to be around, I love every minute I spend with you. You never cease to amaze me.
~ Mommy