two years

March 12, 2009

To my beautiful daughter,

You are so precious to me, I can't put it into words. You've grown into such an amazing little person, I love seeing your likes and dislikes and hearing your wants and dreams. You tell me when you're happy and when you're sad and I treasure these glimpses into your heart. You are sensitive and sweet, caring and thoughtful, unlike any 2 year old I've ever met in my life...I might be a tad biased, but not enough to imagine that without reason!

For your second birthday we had a party at Kangazoom. You had a great time! You knew the day was all about you. You partied until you couldn't party any more, and now you're asleep upstairs recharging for an afternoon of more fun. All of your friends came to celebrate with you, and you were thrilled to see your two best friends from Suzuki, Emory and Bailey. You happily climbed all of huge slides and flew down by we always say, "she has NO fear!" You're confident and secure in who you are - I hope you never lose that quality.

You enjoying the bounce area at your party.

You and your best friend, Emory, at the party.

Tinkerbell cupcake cake - you liked it, by the way!

This spring you've also been working on planting your first garden. You and Daddy went to Home Depot and bought seeds and greenhouse seed starters. You planted them when it was still cold outside and now that it's getting warmer it was time to plant. Daddy put together some planter boxes for a raised garden and you painted them - Daddy and I think they're beautiful!

Then it was time to plant. Mommy got you a gardening set for your birthday and you opened it early so you could wear your new gloves and glasses, and use your shovel and rake for planting. Daddy got you a gardening're ridiculously cute! You loved raking the dirt, planting the seeds, and watering in your garden.

Other news? Your little sister, Alessandra Taylor, is about to join our family. You have been so sweet to Mommy and seem excited to meet your sister, kissing my belly and telling her you love her. I'm sure the two of you will share many years of giggles and late-night chats in the years to come. I only hope Daddy and I can keep up with the two of you!

I love you - your button nose, your eyes, your ears, your knees, your toes. I love you up to the sky, past the moon and stars so high. If you feel alone and scared, always know that I'll be there. Just like one and one make two, you love me and I love you!
~ Mommy