three months

June 12, 2007

Wow, I can't believe you're already three months old. You're growing up so fast - this month has been a whirlwind of learning to smile and coo, kick and play. You are so much fun to play with, I can just see your little brain working away to take everything in that you see.

This month we decided to take you to the pool for your first swim - a very important day since Daddy has decided that you'll be a champion swimmer - let's just say you didn't enjoy it quite as much as we'd hoped! Our first mistake was thinking that taking you in the morning would be a good idea, especially at the beginning of the season and before the sun had a chance to heat up the water. One tiny toe dipped in the water and you'd had enough! You were cranky all the way home until we let you sleep off the exhaustion of what we'd put you through. I think this picture shows exactly how you felt about it.

We also enjoyed your first real open mouth smiles this month, you were a pro already!

Another breakthrough was your decision to actually participate in "tummy time." Before this month, you would just writhe around with your face in the blanket before deciding to yell for help - I'm sure you were convinced you would sufficate! A few days of effort on your part and you became a "tummy time champion," at least in our eyes...

This is you in your "daddy's little princess" outfit, just before Father's Day. You like to sit outside in the evenings when the sun was going down (you hate when the sun gets in your eyes, we call you "our little vampire") and listen to the birds. Your favorite part is smiling at Daddy and blowing bubbles.

My wish for you is that this life becomes all that you want it to, your dreams stay big, your worries stay small, you never need to carry more than you can hold. And while you're out there gettin' to where you're gettin' to, I hope you know somebody loves you and wants the same thing, too. This, is my wish.
~ Mommy