two months

May 12, 2007

Two months old! You know what that means? You guessed it - your first round of immunizations. What a way to celebrate turning two months old, huh? Daddy and I took you to the doctor and I had to leave the room when they got out the needle, I didn't want you to think that I would stand by and let someone hurt you. Daddy stayed in the room to comfort you, then couldn't figure out how to get your outfit back on after it was all over. You poor thing! In addition to being poked and prodded, you were naked and cold! I'm not sure which of you looked worse when I walked back into the room - I think it may have been Daddy, he couldn't bear seeing you in pain. Luckily you recovered quickly and were sound asleep before we even left the parking lot!

You have the cutest little cheeks, Daddy couldn't resist squeezing them. I'm not sure you enjoyed it as much as he did though.

This month you also learned to make the "duck face" as Daddy and I call it - it's one of our very favorites. We liked to dress you in your duckie sleeper and try to get you to make the face to match - I know, the things we do for fun!

At about six weeks you started sleeping through the night. I love the extra sleep, but I can't help missing how I used to hold you in my arms in the dark and feel your little breath on my neck as you drifted back off to sleep with a full tummy and a contented smile. Don't get me wrong though - I appreciate the sleep! Keep it up!

Let's not forget the other new trick you learned this month.

I love you to the moon and back again.
~ Mommy