four months

July 12, 2007

Happy 4 month birthday! This is a big one, since you're 1/3 of the way to your first birthday - now THAT will be a big celebration! You are such a little girl now, you laugh and giggle and love to play.

In your very first pair of BIG GIRL PANTS! They have a REAL zipper and button...

Daddy and I gave you cereal for the first time the other day and you knew exactly what to do with it - no spitting it out or anything! The only problem? You hated the taste of it. Absolutely hated it, would make this horrible face everytime I put some in your mouth.

Back to the giggles. We love them. You get so excited, especially anytime we take off your clothes and/or diaper - that's your favorite time to giggle. Bath time is definitely your favorite time of day - ours, too! We say "giggle, giggle, giggle" and you giggle over and over again. If only we could bottle that sound, I'm sure we could achieve world peace.

On the changing table with your friend Holly Belle...

On to a more somber topic...teething. It's not pretty. You chew on everything and drool everywhere and just can't seem to get any relief for your sore gums. Your four month birthday was marked by a complete freak-out until I gave you a cocktail of Tylenol, teething tablets, and a wet washcloth to chew...then you turned back into my sweet little girl again. It was short-lived (thankfully) but it was definitely one of those moments when I wished you could communicate in another way besides crying. I just didn't know what to do for you and felt totally incompetent, and I'm sure you were wondering why your idiot mommy waited 10 minutes to get you a wet washcloth. Don't worry, we got it figured out, and before we know it you'll be able to tell me exactly what you want and when you want it - and I'm sure you will!

See what I mean about the chewing...

Another major milestone you achieved in 4 short months? You're finally swaddle-free! I think you were trying to tell me that you were ready for a while (busting out of that straitjacket every night should have been a clue) but Mommy wanted you to wait until after your professional pics were taken so that you wouldn't have a giant scratch across your face. Finally, we did it - one arm at a time and now, at 4 months old, you sleep without feeling like a mental patient. Oh, and you never did scratch yourself like Mommy was convinced you would - so sorry about the extra days of swaddling, I guess I owe you one.

Oh, and sorry about the saying on the onesie - I swear I didn't buy it for you...

I bet your wondering why I didn't talk about your 4 month shots...well, lucky for you Dr. B is on vacation, so you'll actually be 4 months and 2 weeks old before we torture you again. I'm convinced you'll handle it well, just like you did last time...I'm more worried about Daddy and I, I just hope we survive!

Did I mention you love to talk now? Maybe I should say squeal...that's a new sound that you've added to your repretoire and I think it may be a personal favorite for you. You truly learn something new every day right now, it's so exciting for me to watch. The other day you focused the entire day on learning to blow raspberries - no idea where you came up with that one - but you LOVED it. I must say you've become quite the expert. Yesterday's main goal was to get your toe in your mouth, and you did it. Every time I tried to take a picture, you would pull it out and look at me like I was invading your privacy and you would not be documented putting that dirty thing in your mouth.

Here's one of my attempts at documenting your first toe meal...

Daddy's idea of funny when he changed your diaper - you don't look amused...

Your other favorites? Well, you're a jumperoo expert. You love to jump around in it while I'm in the kitchen making dinner or washing dishes. The music is horribly annoying and you get so excited every time it goes off.
Jumperoo expert, or Roo, as I like to call you...

You also love your little pink bunny teething blanket named Flopsie, you'd love him to go everywhere with you.

About to take a bite out of Flopsie...

You, baby girl...
are one of the most beautiful miracles in life,
one of the greatest joys we can ever know,
and one of the reasons why
there is a little extra sunshine, laughter and happiness
in our world today.
~ Mommy