one month

April 12, 2007

The first month has been full of surprises. Who knew the hospital would just let us leave with a baby? - even if you were our own! We hardly knew what to do with you. You were seven pounds, ten ounces and twenty and a half inches, and you seemed really small to us. You were sweet and sleepy and loved to fall asleep in our arms.

You didn't do too much for your fist month birthday besides eat, sleep, and poop, but we celebrated anyway. We took you to the doctor and you weighed ten pounds, two ounces - wow! You were already twenty-two and a quarter inches, at the top of the charts in length. Everyone says you'll be tall like your daddy. You screamed bloody murder when I put you in your carseat to leave the doctor's office and the woman behind the desk joked that the nurse shouldn't have pinched you. You sleep in a moses' basket beside our bed at night and I often wake up (in those few moments when you're not waking me with an empty tummy) to see Daddy sitting up and looking over at you to make sure you're okay.

On to your strength...Daddy thinks you're the strongest baby in the world. You lifted your head just moments after you were born - while you were all goopy and gross, by the way, to look at me. Your arms and legs are so strong that Daddy keeps saying you're going to be a great athlete, how can I argue with that?! Who cares about our opinions though, you can be anything you want to be.

Welcome to the world baby Gianna Marie, we love every second of you.

~ Mommy