six months

September 12, 2007

It's hard to imagine that you could get any cuter than you are right now! You've given Daddy and I a whole new definition of perfection - from your adorable smile, those pudgy little thighs, those arms reaching to "monster" us all the time - to the sweet way you smell. We love every inch of you.

Remember me talking about you chewing on everything? Well, the cause finally made itself know - in the form of TWO bottom teeth! Both came in at the same time, and your already perfect smile became even more irresistable (if that's possible!). My heart melts every time I see them.

Your sixth month was unfortunately marked with your first real illness. The throw-up bug. The throw-up bug turned into a stuffy nose, which turned into a cold, which turned into another cold, then several unexplained fevers - all of which you so lovingly shared with Mommy. I'll never forget the sight of my little Gianna Marie, covered in vomit and wrapped in a towel, sleeping like an angel on Daddy's lap (he was also covered in vomit, by the way - so was I if you want the full picture). Daddy and I slept on the floor of your nursery that night - no sleeping actually occurred, just a lot of listening to make sure you were all right!

This month you started to roll over and over and over. Everytime I put you down to change you, you decide to roll over onto your tummy. And when I lay you on the bed to dry my hair, you roll over until you get close enough to the covers to hide your face from me, then you hide and laugh whenever I peek at you.

So here we are... a half a year down. you are exiting "phase newborn" right before my very eyes. You've more than doubled your birth weight, and you've more than doubled the size of my heart. Good thing you did... otherwise I don't know where I'd keep all the love.

From the first breath you breathed, when you first smiled at me, I knew the love of a mother runs deep. Someday you might know what I'm going through, when a miracle smiles up at you.
~ Mommy