seven months

October 12, 2007

My sweet baby girl,
I loved you before you even did anything. I loved you before you moved or took your first breath. I loved you with all my heart. Now you have all these things you do, new ones every day. Things that beg for even more of my love. You are becoming this sweet, silly, funny, loving little girl and I'm completely obsessed with you. You have such a wonderful personality. You're so smart and observant, always checking things out - inspecting, touching, learning and appreciating. Dr. B asked the other day if you were always this loving - as you reached for her, smiled, and rested your head on her shoulder - of course you are...but hearing it from someone else made me so proud I thought my heart might burst.

Remember how I told you about your hatred for rice cereal? Well, over the past couple of months we've gone from rice to oatmeal to warm oatmeal mixed with a yummy fruit, and this month we added all kinds of veggies, fruits, and even desserts. You love your sweet potatoes so much - I keep checking to see if your skin is turning orange! The first meal you ever fed yourself was mashed sweet potatoes (of course!) from Publix. You'd already had sweet potatoes (the pureed kind) and vanilla custard for dinner that night, but when Daddy sat down next to you with "the real thing" on his plate, it was all over. We put some on your highchair tray and let you go to town...

Congratulations, you've become a tummy sleeper! All that rolling over never seemed to happen in your crib...until the beginning of this month when you decided that tummy sleep was the only sleep for you. It took you a couple of nights to get the hang it, but once you did there was no turning back.

Do you have any idea how gorgeous you are? I dont think we've EVER left the house and ventured out into to public without being stopped and told how beautiful you are. There have been many days when not a single person passed you by without smiling. You brighten peoples' lives by merely existing, by just being yourself. I know this will never change. I can already see your beautiful personality pouring out of your big blue eyes and I know that you will be eternally loved. Not a single person can even LOOK at you without their day improving, If only a tiny bit. You pass by them and instantly they catch a glimpse of pure beauty and the sweet, innocent bliss of a baby. Now, just try to imagine how I feel...I gave birth to you, and I get to hold and love you every day.

This month you perfected the art of sitting up all by yourself. You went from falling over within seconds to sitting up for 5 minutes in the span of about a day! The ability to sit up was apparently connected to your decision to hate ALL things baby, because the second you figured out how to sit up you also decided that the swing was a Medieval torture device and that I must be crazy for even suggesting that you sit in the bouncy seat. It's a fun new phase. Daddy and I had to go out and buy all new "big girl" toys to keep you occupied. But, just when I convinced myself that I would never be able to shower again (since you refused to even look at the swing without screaming) you let me know that you'd be perfectly happy to sit up on a blanket in my closet and play with your toys while I made myself presentable.

You never cease to brighten my life, the biggest compliment I've ever received is your love. I see myself in your smiling face and I realize that life just doesn't get any better than this. Each moment, each day, each week, all better than the last. Sounds impossible I know, baby girl, but it's true. You're that amazing.
~ Mommy